Finishing the Film: Post Production and Final Fundraiser
We're really coming down to the wire now! Eric and I have been heads down with a years worth of footage editing away on the movie. What an exciting process it's been.
It's time for our final fundraiser. Our Kickstarter backers helped get us this far. Thanks to them, we're through production and well into post-production.
We're facing some big costs for specialized services such as sound mastering, color correction, narration recording studio time, motion graphics, and festival entry fees.
Now for an update! Making a film takes a village, let me tell you! We've had so much help from so many. I love that this is a community-made movie. Here are some highlights:
Unpacking the Bobby Ingersoll historic footage!
Bobby Ingersoll sent some vintage Super 8 and cassette reels for us to transfer to digital and use in the film. Yes! Thanks Bobby!
Linda McMahon, owner and operator of McSpyder Ranch made a generous donation to the film, which will keep us truckin' along for a while longer. Thank you so much Linda!!!
Grant Fonda, our composer, has already begun to score the film. It sounds absolutely beautiful! We're so happy he's on board.
Lori, Ben, and Patrick got some "pick-up" footage (extra footage we needed to finish the film) in Snowville, Utah this month. That should do it!
We hope you all are enjoying your summer and getting some horse time in! Thank you so much for all of the support.
Interview transcripts